Recycled Mini Journal

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Welcome to Recycled Mini Journal

In this brand new mini course we will create a mini art journal from toilet roll inner tubes and then decorate the front cover using a gel printing plate.

Lesson Description & Goals

I don't know about you but I always have loads of toilet roll inner tubes lying around, and there's only so many I can give to my hamster! So I thought it would be fun and useful to make a recycled journal out of them.

The journal itself is very simple and quick to make, and you could easily make several. I always find it useful to work in batches, as you'll see when we create backgrounds for the spreads. I'm showing you an example of a crow journal with a limited colour palette, but nothing stops you from making a flower journal, a dream journal, a cooking journal or anythings else you can think of.

Similarly, don't feel like you need to stick to the colour scheme I use. Pick your favourite colours! Work in black and white, use triadic or split-complementary colour scheme, or use all the colours in the rainbow!

The fact that it's a small, quick-to-make and imperfect journal will hopefully help you to feel free and experiment. It's made from toilet roll inner tubes, definitely not something you need to be precious about!!

What Will You Get?

  • One project based lesson
  • Video lesson of approx 7 minutes (very detailed & tightly edited)
  • Step-by-step PDF walkthrough, 11 pages
  • Share your progress & connect online
  • Lifetime access
  • Fully downloadable

Type Of Work You Will Learn To Create

Examples of the type of work you could create using similar techniques demonstrated in the course:

Supply List - Essential

  • toilet roll inner tube - 3x, more if you want to make your journal have more pages
  • bookbinding thread or string
  • (bookbinding) needle
  • craft knife or scissors
  • gesso
  • bradawl - or another tool for making holes
  • acrylic paint and ink - white & 2-3 of your favourite colours

Supply List - Optional

  • bone folder
  • key card
  • brushes
  • gel printing plate
  • brayer
  • your other favourite art supplies
  • heat tool or hair dryer

Who Is This Course For?

This course is suitable for beginners and is especially appropriate for people who get nervous around pristine & perfect art journals. The course breaks everything down into simple steps and focusses on a quick process that isn't concerned with perfection.

Self-Paced / Fully Downloadable / Lifetime Access

On this workshop you are absolutely free to go at your own pace and work as quickly or slowly as suits your personal needs and circumstances. You will have lifetime access and you can download all class materials to your own device.

What students say about my courses

I really enjoyed Iris’s class and the way she teaches. And I love her attitude and outlook on the whole creative process!! She is a joy to learn from.
Deb Weiers

I spent 5 days in a book binding course and was totally lost and didn't accomplish anything. I have learned more in the time it took me to watch your video. Your teaching methods are direct and totally understandable and am looking forward to making many junk journals. My Sincere thanks.
Jackie Goldberg

I recently took an on-line art lesson with Iris-Fritschi-Cussens. I really enjoyed learning from Iris, she has a wonderful way of speaking. Her lesson was clear and concise and easy to follow. Along with Iris’s lesson she had a in-depth PDF explaining the lesson, laying out for you a little bit about herself, the supplies you need and the goals of the lesson. Iris really walks you through everything you need to know step-by-step. Iris really encourages you to create your own journey and she’s there along to support you in that journey. Her on line art lessons are a great way to learn at your own pace.
Maureen Craddock

You were very prepared and got straight to the lesson. I also liked your quick feedback on our sharing. Easy instructions. Anyone can do it!!!
Linda Sackin

About your teacher

front-page-iris-1000Hello creative person! I’m Iris from and this website is where I offer online mixed media & art journaling courses and workshops.

I’m a mixed media artist from London and I believe in the magical powers of art! To me making art serves many purposes: fun, relaxation, healing, processing feelings, making pretty things, connecting with others (and more that I can't think of right now!).

I believe in simplicity and clarity when it comes to both painting and teaching. My videos & PDFs don't waste your time and will tell you exactly what you need to know so you can spend more time actually creating art.

We are all on this journey together, learning about how to face our fears and find inspiration. I love sharing honestly about my joys, struggles and discoveries (plus techniques and art supplies!). My courses are a culmination of everything I have learned so far!

I really hope you will join me on Recycled Mini Journal!